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Gallery (E5)
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Alana (Aristocrat)
She looks as if to say, "Jinkies!" It wouldn't be out of character for her, either. I tried giving her pants here, but liked the green skirt and high socks better.
Wald (Helga)
As an aside, Granny called Sky "sweet pea" in the beginning of E2, and Sky himself possesses the "Twin Soul" technique. He was created as a "metrosexual" character and some players actually confused his gender early on. When Leif and Wald return home to their mother, she initially faints when seeing Wald as Helga, but later reveals that, as an infant, she looked into his eyes and could tell there was something different about him; an uncharacteristic gentleness... she knew he wasn't like Leif.
Alana (Aristocrat)
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