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In July 2015, I had a very striking dream. I was looking at a comic strip I illustrated, but it didn't really exist yet, nor did Colleen herself. Then suddenly I was there, in the dream, talking to her. It was so vivid, I would even call it lucid. I asked, "How can I ever create anything ever again?" Because that's how hopeless I felt. And she said to me in a strong and firm, yet warmly assuring tone, "Look deep inside yourself," before flying away. Yes, she flew away. It was a dream, remember.
So I was thrilled to have a new character on my hands, that I could do absolutely anything with. Based on her appearance, I decided to give her lightning powers. This could also explain her ability to fly, based on the manipulation of electromagnetism. But she needed a name. I wanted her to have a strong name. I thought for a long while, and settled on Colleen. Ever so ironically, I looked it up and found that it means "girl".
The sisters of the Shrine of Candlelight, who guard the Great Door and the giant menorah before it. When the Flames of Hope alight the menorah, the door opens and the fate of the world is paradoxically sealed at the same time, or so it is said. The sisters are named after the Shakti goddesses in Hinduism. The color of their hair corresponds to each of the chakras, respectively: Muladhara, Swadhistana, Manipura, Anahata, Vishudda, Ajna, and Sahasrara.
In July 2015, I had a very striking dream. I was looking at a comic strip I illustrated, but it didn't really exist yet, nor did Colleen herself. Then suddenly I was there, in the dream, talking to her. It was so vivid, I would even call it lucid. I asked, "How can I ever create anything ever again?" Because that's how hopeless I felt. And she said to me in a strong and firm, yet warmly assuring tone, "Look deep inside yourself," before flying away. Yes, she flew away. It was a dream, remember.