August 20, 2021
- The soundtrack has been converted to OGG format. This allows for tracks to resume from the point where they left off after battle. I imagine that many players didn't even hear a lot of the tracks all the way through due to them constantly stopping and restarting every time a battle was initiated. What inspired me to do this was the music in Glymac Forest. It's one of my favorites, but the area is so short that you hardly have any time to hear it.
- While Sylvester and Kayla are playable, their combos don't yet function, nor does Sylvester's Stampede.
- You'll now encounter enemies in the outer ocean. The current encyclopedia contains 199 entries of a prospective 400 total.
- Implemented an Award system for the Party Ball records. You'll obtain numerous bronze, silver and gold medals for your achievements in the game.
- Added a new Option: Overlay Effects. Now you can toggle screen effects like fog and lighting in certain areas. There's even a QuickTrigger for it (the L key), so have fun!
- Fixed a graphical quirk where the overlay for the teleport map would remain while on the world map (and elsewhere).
- Slowed the fireballs in the corridor leading to Fire Shard B in Castle Dragonheart on Easy Mode.
- Enemies on the map are now frozen in place during the post-battle waiting period, just like you. So they can no longer unfairly swarm you while the game politely asks that you stay put... though in all honesty, I thought that was pretty funny.
- The save/warp point before the jump track in Glymac Mines now heals you as well.
- Changed the function of the Dragon Crest accessory: instead of increasing Attack and Intellect by 20 points each, it makes the bearer's physical attacks doubly effective against reptiles.
- The Larkspur Lance now drains around 25 EF from regular enemies instead of just 5. It drains a lot more from bosses, as it actually takes 25 + 1% of their max EF; and all bosses have 9999 EF, so that's about 100 extra points! Yee.
- Revamped the Sun Wukung Staff. Instead of just giving a Luck bonus, now it deals fluctuating amounts of damage with each use (you know, getting bigger and smaller, like it's actually supposed to do); first normal, then double, then triple, and finally back to normal. Fun! I just hope you didn't sell it already (like I did), because you can only get one.
- This one's pretty big. Iron weapons now actually deal Iron-elemental damage (wow), are powered up on the Day of Fire, and become weaker on the Day of Water. This could significantly alter your strategy early in the game and maybe even later on. It also renders the mention of "stinky old iron equipment" in the guide completely incorrect.
- Revamped captured monsters' stat layouts. They should be a bit better now.
- I neglected to note that Lala can learn Explode from the Land Mine in the Enemy Encyclopedia, so fixed that. Stupid quirk: if she knows it, she seems to always want to use it on autobattle. This is comparable to Ananda always using Karmic Harvest at 100 FP. Urp. So if you use Type A autobattle a lot, you may not want her to learn it. Just a small tip.
- To mitigate that little boo-boo, now the Temperance Ring prevents the use of Karmic Harvest and Explode. It also locks Titanic Tirade, as I thought it also sucked that Cloe habitually emptied her pool of FP, even if she didn't die in the process.
- Lala's Half-Moon now has higher accuracy. Maybe now it's actually a viable choice in combat! ;P It still won't work on bosses, though. Come on, that'd be really cheap.
- The HP/EF-increasing effects of the Life Raiser now last the whole battle (or until you're knocked out).
- The Refresher now restores debuffed stats in addition to eliminating status ailments. Very useful!
- You'll like this. Now you can change your party between each battle in Fiyara's border bridge event, so you no longer have to enter into the Vril Weapon fight with a clear disadvantage. Better yet, you can swap out for cannon fodder against the Land Mines, then revert to your normal party to fight the boss. That's kinda mean, though.
- The Vril Weapon now takes double damage from attacks during the period between its usage of Gigablast and Regenerate.
- Psychos no longer evades attacks of any kind (physical or magical). This battle was sadistic enough... your attacks can still miss, though.
- Psychos' Psycho Flash and Dark Psyche were weakened somewhat. His Psycho Flash's chance of causing confusion was also reduced (but not yours, don't worry).
- Wait, I'm not finished! Now Psychos' Elemental and Skill Neuroses abate when he enters Hyper Mode. But you still must beseech the heavens for divine intervention in order to beat him.
- The "green" color for the Party House glitched the carpet. Sorry about that.
- The piano now looks different (wooden) at the Autumn Hill house. I did this after I modified it for the saloon in Natesboro.
- This is also really minor, but I must be complete, right? Touched up the shading on the small pine tree graphics for Glymac Forest and so on. Because I care... too much.
- The level-up screen no longer shows changed stats, which were incorrect anyway as
they didn't take Attribute calculation into account.
October 5, 2018
- There was a very strange glitch when Raya joined the party, with Tatiana's name being displayed instead and no character image at all, culminating in a crash. There were also some reports of crashes due to missing sound files, and these should now be fixed.
- Added a new option: Autobattle Type. Now, if you so choose, Ananda will no longer kill herself at 100 FP. Enjoy!
- Increased the drop rate of the Sluggards' shells and the four Elementals' special items (for the sidequests).
- The Dragonblade's attack power was increased by 10 points. Barely noticeable, but I noted it just because.
- Similarly, the Saint Slacks now boost Recovery Rate by 15% instead of 5%.
- Mythril weapons have been powered up by 20 points. Their monetary value was increased proportionately.
- Mind Boosters now boost maximum EF by 20 instead of 10.
- Osmosis/Reverse Osmosis now exchange 10 FP/EF instead of 5.
- Also, some of the stat-growth/level-up items were enhanced (in both good and bad ways). These include the Pacifier, Lovebug Tattoo, Goldenrod Staff, and so on.
- The healing effects of Anahata and Coco Milk were powered up, as were the combined food items you can create at the Party House.
- The EF- and HP-boosting effects of fruit and veggies, respectively, now last for the rest of the battle (or until the character under the effect is knocked out).
- You now steal the Milky Stone from the Rukh, rather than the Pink Stone (because an upcoming enemy will have the Pink Stone to steal).
- Bushwhack now has a higher steal rate. This should've been the case all along, sorry about that. Stealing in general is now slightly more accurate, too.
- The Enemy Encyclopedia now displays the hidden items you can steal from bosses (in green).
- Blades of Wrath now deals Iron-elemental damage (so it can be resisted with the appropriate equipment and/or barriers).
- And speaking of that, Iron equipment (that is, armor forged from Iron Ore) now increases resistance to Iron-elemental attacks such as Blades of Wrath. So the stuff you find in Tiergan's tower is now actually useful for fighting the Star-Crossed Sorcerer on Mt. Gareth (among other things).
- Roaring no longer has a 100% chance of stunning your entire party.
- Glasses (the Black Shades and Mirror Specs) are now classified as headwear, so they go in that slot rather than the one for accessories. If you had them equipped, they'll be moved to your inventory and you'll have to re-equip them in the proper slot.
- Renamed the "Earrings" equip slot to "Ears". Because now there's an item that goes there that's not earrings. :P
- Flame Swoop now runs on EF instead of FP.
- You can now see exactly how much Pepp Pep you've bought in the Party Ball records.
- The Salamander now learns Burning Beam and Heat Wave in captivity. If it's past the level at which it would ordinarily learn them, just check your records with Chibi in the Party Ball, and they'll be added. Also, the Harpy gets Fell Wind, the Garuda gets Tornado Blade, the Deadbat gets Flame Swoop and Thunder Swoop, the Gnome gets Rock Spike and Tremor, the Sylph gets Zap, the Undine gets Healing Water, the Dryad gets Sunbath, and Missy Medusa gets Cold Stare. Same deal with talking to Chibi applies to those as well.
- The Sluggard now learns Shell Spin when it gains a shell. Unlike the previous additions, this is automatic.
- As the world is now (almost) completely open to you, Flight Mode has served its purpose and has thus been retired.